Monday, October 22, 2012

Welcome to my Journey

Recently I feel like my eyes and my mind have opened to so many health issues that plague our country and most importantly my family.
I start this blog as a way to share my experiences, my research and the methods I use to improve my families health and to share it with others.
I feel like I can say I was a main streamer up until recently. When you are sick go to the doctor and get a prescription, when you need help with mental health issues, go to the doctor and get a prescription, when you have ailments (like skin issues), go to the doctor and get a prescription. I've always struggled with the idea of putting drugs into my body, I never liked taking birth control because I've felt like it could mess up my body. While I feel like there are prescription drugs that are useful, I feel like they have their place and they are way too overused today. Yet, what else are we supposed to do?
A little over a month ago, I was invited by a friend to attend a class about Essential Oils. I learned at that class what Essential Oils are and how they can be used to help our bodies heal. I was fascinated, I took my time, thought about it and made a small purchase of oils. I was so amazed at how they are immediately effective and their power. I then bought more and I am continually using them and seeing the positive changes they are making in my family.
The more I learned about oils the more I learned about health and how important it was to improve our nutrition. A phrase I learned from Dr. Hill, is that "Nutrition is the cornerstone of health." It suddenly clicked for me that if I wanted to change my family's health and I wanted to improve my own that I needed to focus on that.
So I hope you find my blog useful and I hope that you will share with me your experiences as well.

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